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I Hired Workers But
Human Beings Showed Up,
Now What?

THURSDAY, 9.19.2024

1:15 - 2:15 PM
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Clapping Audience

Welcome EO NERVE Attendees

About The Speaker & The Presentation

Cyndi Gave, President of The Metiss Group, has been involved with EO for decades, first as a local speaker to the EO Detroit forums where she became an Accelerator. She then expanded the business to the Charlotte market, becoming a local speaker and Strategic Alliance Partner. Cyndi has been sought after to speak to EO Global and EO Charlotte through the years. She is a past presenter at NERVE and numerous Peer-To-Peer groups nationwide.  


So you finally hired that superstar who can change your company.  Now you are faced with how to get them up to speed as fast as possible.  You realize you are dealing with a human being and do not want them to fail. But if you don't take the correct steps, that is exactly what can happen. Watch Cyndi's video to learn more about her workshop.

Stop By Our Booth To Meet The Metiss Group
And Register To Win Prizes.

Cyndi Gave has a very special and effective way of teaching and coaching the fundamentals of Our “Working Together” leadership and  management system of connected culture of love by design that creates value and growth for all the stakeholders and the greater good! Thank you Cyndi!


Former CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes & the Ford Motor Company

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