Does Your Company Have A Succession Plan For Every Key Position, Including The Leader?
There Are 3 Areas Of Talent Transition You Should Plan For.
Entrepreneurial minded leaders often struggle with planning for a time to step back from the day-to-day operations of their company. They may not know what to do with their company or how to find a strong #2 to step in and run their business while they focus of the things they enjoy the most.
The Metiss Group works with all types of businesses to help identify the ideal #2.
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Key team members can retire, become maxed out, have their job outgrow them or simply need to move on for a variety of reasons.
Having a succession plan for these outcomes is critical to a company’s stability and profitability. The Metiss Group helps companies build a scorecard for key roles, provides our SelectAdvantage process for open roles and provides career coaching for departing team members.
Leaders can sleep better at night knowing their company is prepared the inevitable process of losing key team members.
If the Great Resignation has taught Leaders anything, it’s that a high-potential team member can resign at any time. The Metiss Group knows that good talent doesn’t quit a company. They leave because of their boss.
For that reason we developed our LeadershipAdvantage process for leaders of high-potentials and Individual Development Coaching for high-potential talent. These processes create better leaders and potential leaders for the future.
Why Use The Metiss Group?
The Metiss Group is a team of experts in behavioral science, and for over 25 years, has been leveraging scientific rigor to discover and recruit talent for organizations with specific cultures and needs.
The three service pillars of our innovative platform comprised of Employee Selection, Performance Acceleration, and Organizational Health are designed to help businesses grow and fulfill their potential.